Guest Art: Terry Blas
Posted December 13, 2016 at 03:01 am

Hello there!

This week's guest art comes to us courtesy of my good friend and mega-talent, Terry Blas! I absolutely love his take on Ixon, and I'm so glad he had time to do this for me!


You can see more of Terry's work on his website:

And you can follow him on Instagram:


Terry is also currently working on a documentary called "Latter-Day Glory", which follows the lives of gay ex-Mormons, and discusses the high suicide rate amoung LGTB Mormon youth. If you want to learn more about it, or suport it with a tax-deductable donation, you can do it here:


Thank you, Terry, for this awesome piece! I'll be back next week, but depending on how jet-lagged I am, there might be one more piece of guest art instead of an update. See you then!




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