Page 101
Posted April 12, 2016 at 08:33 pm



I apologise for the very late update today. I definitely forgot how doing a huge convention like ECCC leaves me feeling completely destroyed immediately after. Whatever good intentions I had when I told myself I'd finish this page directly after coming home on Monday were lost in a wave of pure exhaustion.@_@

I really, really want to thank everyone who came by my table to tell me they read TLD! I was blown away by how many of you stopped over to say hello, and it left me feeling incredibly grateful. It's really easy to feel like you're creating in a vacuum when you put content up on the web, so having people reach out in person meant so, so much to me. Also, despite my temporary con exhaustion, it has left me feeling more energized than ever to work on this comic!:D

So thank you again, and I'll see you next week!




Emerald City Comic Con

April 7th-10th



May 21st-22nd


American Library Association (Orlando)

June 25-27


Rose City Comic Con

September 10-11